Monday, December 29, 2008

A new house ANNNND a new puppy?

So, the house hunting has come to a halt, but the house purchase is far from over.  There is good news however!  We are officially UNDER CONTRACT on our first home!  A series of inspections start tomorrow, so it's not official by any means, but exciting nonetheless.  The house is beautiful, cozy and more than I ever dreamed of, or need for our first home, but some day we hope to fill it with a bustling family of four.  :)  With the economy and housing market in shambles, we weren't exactly planning to buy until 2009, but a series of special circumstances led us to a home we feel is just perfect for us in so many ways.  Location, style, price, lot size, bones, potential, curb appeal, neighborhood, proximity to our favorite places.... the list goes on and on.  Not to mention, we could live in it forever if we so choose.  Details to follow.

On a somewhat related note.  Sit down people, this is big.  Something about being a homeowner makes me want to be a pet-owner too.  I know, you feel faint.  I know, you are shaking your head.  I know, you are rolling your eyes.

I'll be the first to admit, and rightly so, this young lady hasn't exactly been fond of your four-legged furry friends in the past, but here is the deal.  I'm horribly allergic.  You wouldn't want to be around dogs and cats either if after a couple of hours your eyes are streaming down tears, your nose is so stuffy you can hardly speak, you sneeze 10 times in a row every 5 minutes and your eyes are so itchy you debate scratching them with a fork.  Dramatic?  Yes.  But very true?  Yes.  It's rather debilitating actually.  I've been known to avoid precious friends homes with allergy inducing dogs and cats for my hatred of the above referenced symptoms.  It's rather miserable and lingers long after leaving these friendly furry friends, sometimes even lingering into the next day.  Awful.

But, my attitude has changed my friends.  If not for my horrible allergies, deep down, I actually enjoy dogs and can't resist playing fetch with them, petting their cute little mugs and giving them treats.  They are lovable and oh so loving in return.  It is just a short while later that I am kicking myself for laying a single finger on them.  SO.  Why the change in attitude you ask?  Well, I always pondered the thought of a hypo-allergenic dog.  But, I quickly dismissed this idea because the only dogs on that list are the tiny-little-fluff-ball-yapper-dogs.

Then came tonight.  I spent the evening with not one, but two of the sweetest most gentle and loving dogs I've ever met.  After 5 hours of petting them (LIKE A LOT), not a single sneeze, not a single watery eye and not a single sniffly nose.  For good measure, I put my hands all over my eyes and nose just to be sure.  It's about as official as going to an Allergist, right?  And this, my friends is no wimpy yapper dog.  This particular dog is ready to be the true protector and walking companion I've been dreaming of.   Not to mention, 40-60 pounds of the most affectionate, friendly, teddy bear of a dog I've ever met! 

Isn't she just the cutest, most cuddly little thing you've ever seen!!!  

Now lets meet the beautiful Samoyed:
-Dander-Free, Hypo-Allergenic and Odorless coat!  Check!
-Average lifespan of 12-16 years
-A working breed with excellent stamina
-Males weigh 44-60lbs and Females 37-55lbs
-Shedding occurs once per year, but with weekly brushing is minimal year round
-Very good at self grooming, therefore bathing and cleaning is minimal
-Hailing from Siberia, a true winter dog, they often self bath by rolling in fresh snow
-No smell or "doggy odor" about them, making them extremely suitable for indoor living
-Very friendly disposition; An aggressive Samoyed is extremely rare
-Diligent watch dogs with a tendency to bark when someone or something enters their territory, however they are so friendly that they are not an ideal guard dog
-Soft and playful disposition and excellent companions for small children
-A youthful and energetic spirit well into their senior years
-Characterized by an alert and happy expression, otherwise called "Smiley Sammy" due to their permanent smiley face

Now if only we could teach her to use a pooper scooper, this deal would be sealed.

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