Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bargainista strikes again.

I may have jumped the gun just a tad bit here, but I cannot and will not resist a bargain.  Nope.  Not at all.  It is pretty typical for me to buy things I do not need in the least bit, just because it is a deal.  Ryan teases me endlessly because I often walk in the door and greet him with, "You'll never believe how much I money I saved us!!!"  The question that typically follows is, "But, how much did you SPEND?"  I suppose if you save $300 and spend $200 on things you don't really need in the first place... well, I see his point, but I have scored some pretty great finds in my days.

Soooooo.  With the house under contract and the structural inspection all clear.... I made our first house purchase today.  And oooooh boy was it a deal!  Check it out...

Pottery Barn Somerson Brushed Nickel Double and Triple Sconce
Regular Retail Price $169.00 and $129.00, respectively

Now here is the fun part, I purchased them for $15 and $10, respectively.  That is a grand total savings of $263!  I told you I'm good.  Not to mention we have gobs of Pottery Barn gift certificates from our wedding, for moments just like this.  Sooooo, with that in mind.  They were actually a very nice gift from one of our very lovely wedding guests and didn't cost us a pretty penny!  Aren't they pretty?

Dear Husband,
You don't know what I've bought yet, but you just promised not to be mad.  Then I remembered you don't really GET mad.  Ever.  You are a peach.  We could very well have five, count 'em FIVE, bathrooms to remodel in our near future.  As we've discussed, penny saving is going to be important my dear.  Aren't you proud of me?  Don't worry, I've not gone off the deep end.  Not yet anyways.  I understand 110% this house we'd like to call our home is not even close to being ours yet.  We have many a serious discussions ahead of us and several more inspections to clear before we can pop the cork on that bottle of Dom Perigon and toast to our humble abode.  You know you love me and my thrifty ways.
Love, Your Penny-Pinching Wifey

UPDATE:  Dear Hubs is super happy about my purchase!  Yay!  And if we don't find use for them, there is always C-Bay!!  Right Mummy?

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

My hubby says the same things when I say I got a bargain! Great minds think alike, I suppose! :)

I am so excited to hear more about your new house! I have my fingers crossed for you. Our house was on the market for a while and we took it off for the holidays. We will put it back on and be on the hunt for house #3, which we are hoping to be in longer than the first two. But this one has the idea of kids with it. So it's different when you are thinking of that and not just something for the two of you that you.

It's a great adventure being a home owner. You learn a lot! Best of luck! I can't wait to hear more!
