Friday, September 05, 2008

True story.

Since we moved back to Colorado, we've been going no less than 1.2 million miles a minute. Between work, fun and tee-times we sadly haven't left ourselves with much time to take care of some of the most basic things in life... COOK and CLEAN (Translation: Find maids). That's right folks, it's been take-out or out to eat EVERY night since May 24th. Gross.  We've scoped out some GREAT Colorado restaurants, tasted some decadent desserts and managed to not gain 467 pounds a piece, but still.  Gross.

Well, that all changed this week. We FINALLY found maids in the area (thank heavens. I'm really just bad at cleaning and well Ryan would rather be golfing) AND I actually cooked dinner this week. Not once, but TWICE! AND, get this... I started my cooking-spree on the same night I had a small (hopefully benign) cyst removed and got 3, count 'em THREE stitches! I'm a self-proclaimed wimp... well, and husband-proclaimed wimp also, but that's another post. 

So, the first night of said cooking-spree I made yummy Cheddar and Asparagus Stuffed Chicken and the second night I completely made up my own recipe, we'll call it Pesto Chicken Goodness. It was scrumptious. I was proud.  

I was really excited about cooking extravaganza night #2, because I had personally concocted the recipe AND because I was on a roll of cooking beautiful meals out of our naked pantry. BUT, my sweet, typically unsuspecting husband was suspicious. Just when I was serving up this pretty plated dinner... he gives me this look that shouts, "WHAT DID YOU DO WRONG, WHAT DO YOU WANT, WHAT IN GOD'S NAME IS WRONG HERE and HOW MUCH IS IT GOING TO COST?" I gave him a similar look, but mine said, "DON'T YOU DARE CRITICIZE MY COOKING OR IT'S MAC & CHEESE FOR YOU, MISTER." So..... as it turns out, my dear unsuspecting husband thinks there is something behind this cooking spree.  Like I was buttering him up for something.  (Psssshhh, as if I would EVER do that!)  

Truth: There was nothing.  Nothing at all.

Moral of the story: Don't cook for 3 months. Cook two nights in a row and you won't have to do it again for another 3 months. :)

Love to all,

1 comment:

Katie said...

I am in awe that you have a maid. I just picked a fight with my husband about why you get one and I don't. I think I lost, but I'm not giving up yet...