Sunday, September 13, 2009


It's September 13th and dare I say, Mid-September. I'm enjoying my first Sunday of freedom since July and trying to put the pieces back together and figure out where the summer went. Loads and loads of fun was had, but wow did it ever fly by! Evidence that we've been busy... my golf game is suffering. Severely. Oh yeah, and my blog has been neglected just a bit as well.

Weddings... wow was it a lovefest this summer or what? I absolutely love myself a good wedding and we were so fortunate and blessed to send bunches and bunches of wonderful friends down the aisle. So happy for all of my newlywed friends embarking on the journey of marriage.

The longest house hunt in the history of all house hunts continues. Let's just say, HGTV would have fired us months and months ago. We have far exceeded all requirements for a 30 minute episode of House Hunters..... 400 times over. It has been an interesting journey for us and there has been a ton of learning involved. Just in the past month, we have done a complete 180, changed our house hunting strategy and are starting at square numero uno. 16 months later it is the absolute LAST place I want to be, but our new strategy will allow us the opportunity to have a cozy little mountain home in the future. We are very excited and childhood memories of my grandparents cabin are dancing in my head.

Work is a doozy. Busier than usual this summer with the layoffs and all sorts of challenges. Thankful to have a job and one with summer hours at that. Half day Fridays are a great little reward at the end of the week... well, when I am actually able to take them. The joy of sales!

All in all, it's been a good summer, packed to the brim with family, good friends, new cities and lots of sunshine. Today, we slowly slipped back into normalcy (or wait, maybe the craziness is normal?!). We went to church this morning and then met Ryan's Mom and her love for lunch. My sweet husby is now off golfing with the boys... relaxing with a glass of iced tea, a magazine and a little music was my afternoon of choice instead.

Driving home from church this morning, we noticed that the mountains were covered in snow. Fall and Winter it seems, are just around the corner.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

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