Thursday, February 14, 2008

In love!

Happy Valentines Day everyone!  I'm so excited to celebrate our first v-day as husband and wife tonight.  It's funny... more than ever before there's nothing more we want tonight than to share an evening of togetherness.  This year we've opted to nix the lavish gifts and the fancy schmancy dinner out, for a romantic fondue dinner in and a movie (our wedding dvd... I'll probably cry my eyes out and love every minute of it).  So simple, yet such a perfectly ideal way to celebrate our love for each other.  Who says we don't do that every day anyways!  On another note, I found another love today (Sorry Ryan!)... If you haven't tried the new Clarisonic skincare brush... RUN to and get your name on the waiting list.  I of course got the pink one and am already obsessed with it.  It's the best and so far, worth every penny!  Those of you who know me well, know I have a horrible skincare regime paired with an addiction of skincare products (that's a whole separate issue), but today I've washed my face twice already just to feel the lovely goodness of the Clarisonic.  Last, I'm also super excited about the new Jack Johnson CD, Sleep through the Static.  I just got it on iTunes for our little v-day din din and so far it's spectacular!  If you love Jack as much as I do, it's a must have.  Enjoy.  Love to all and happy day!  KTD

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