Sunday, May 02, 2010

Baby Updates!

Clearly, my life is full and as a result, this little blog has been neglected. Not to worry, things are going fabulously and we are in full swing getting our house and lives ready for this little guy to arrive. My mom came to visit and we shopped 'til we dropped... literally. We worked really hard trying to get the house into a somewhat finished state (furniture, decor, organization, etc.). Need to focus on the house before moving on to baby, otherwise, it'll never get done. Let me tell you, baby stuff is sooooo much more fun. Slowly but surely, it's coming together beautifully. One room at a time. I promise to post pictures as things are more finished.

Big news since my last update, IT'S A BOY! A bouncing baby boy. We surprised my mom and Ryan's mom with a gender screen ultrasound a few weeks ago. It was so special and memorable to have our mom's join us. Not to mention, it's always a treat just to get a glimpse of our little sweetie. He is still active as can be. I'm thankfully still feeling great and starting to actually FEEL pregnant now that I am sporting a little baby bump and even feeling him move. And just for the memory books, I first felt him move on April 5th (16W 1D). Needless to say, it's all been pretty amazing. Now, I just can't wait for Ryan to feel him... patiently, but anxiously waiting for that moment.

Here are some pictures and a little video of mini Dunc at 16 weeks and 1 day:

Today marks another big milestone... 20 Weeks! I can hardly believe we are already at the halfway point. Only 20 more weeks until we get to meet our boy!! This week, he's the size of a small cantaloupe. They grow up so fast, don't they?

We have our 20 Week Ultrasound on Wednesday. More updates to come soon!

blog signature 12.7.09

1 comment:

Erin Helgerson said...

Congrats, Katie!
I'm so excited for you!
He's adorable and I can't wait for you to meet him!
So glad you are well!