Saturday, March 07, 2009

Fortunate Fridays on Saturday (again).

It may be a day late, but it's certainly not a dollar short.  It was a good week in my world and I have so much to be thankful for.  Here we go... 
  1. Church and Brunch with hubby dearest on Sunday.  I'm finding such peace in starting my week this way.
  2. My Dad started Twittering!  Not to mention my Mom is also blogging.  I love these new ways to feel close to those that are too far.
  3. Preparing for dear Hubs Birthday celebration got me through the week.  I love birthdays almost as much as I love my husband, which means he got slightly spoiled by yours truly.
  4. Several 70 Degree days in a row in MARCH.  That Colorado sunshine just makes me happy!
  5. I swear, we woke up on Wednesday and the fairway grass outside our window turned green overnight.  Spring is in the air!
  6. First golf game of 2009!  AND, first Eagle of the year (yes, winter rules, but still!).  Not a bad way to start the year.  Now, I cannot wait for the season to officially begin!
  7. Birthday extravaganza 2-8 was a success!  A yummy dinner at Flemmings, many wonderful and love filled gifts and RED VELVET Cake to finish it off.  My Husband is loved.  :)
  8. Birthday Celebration part Deux.  What Ryan thought was a dinner out with a good friend the night after his Birthday, turned out to be dinner with ALL of his bestest friends.  SURPRISE!  It was so much fun and I was so proud that I pulled it off!
  9. House Hunting.... we're on to another house.  Fingers and toes crossed.
  10. Hubs and I were sitting on the couch one night this week looking at houses online.  To be perfectly honest, we were kind of moping about the looooong house hunting process and our waning patience.  He then clicks on his 'favorites' and pulls up my blog and said... "Let's see if there is anything new.  This will cheer me up."  My heart smiled.
Whew.  I could have gone on and on this week, but I'll stop there.  This week was very much centered on my Hubs and his birthday.  Rightly so, as I'm so lucky to wake up next to him each day.  It was a wonderful week and I'm so thankful for that.

I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.  Love to all!

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