Saturday, February 28, 2009

Forunate Fridays.... errrr Saturdays?

Yesterday was mayhem and I never got around to naming my blessings from the week.  Come to think of it, this week was mostly mayhem also and I never even got around to writing a single blog post.  Yikes!  I suppose I make the rules around here anyways, so you'll have to settle for Fortunate Saturdays this week.  And so it goes... 
  1. An utterly AMAZING weekend in Breckenridge with 40 utterly AMAZING friends
  2. A peaceful, relaxing and much needed massage while on above mentioned getaway
  3. Kinda got in a huge blow out fight with my husband this week.  Let me tell you, this is RARE, so needless to say we are happy it's over and that all is good again in the Duncan Casa.  I guess the fortunate part to this story is that it's over  :)
  4. I went to Fargo.  More importantly, I came home from Fargo.  The feeling I get when I'm coming home from any business trip is AMAZING.
  5. Ryan surprised me by picking up a movie we've been trying to rent for quite some time.  FIREPROOF.  I think I'll write more about that later, but all I can say is it is life changing.
  6. Ryan and I have a MAJOR vacation itch.  This could be a very good thing shortly!
  7. I have a job.  Still a blessing very much in disguise.
  8. Sweet husband took me out on a sushi date last night.  Yes, the man does know how to sweep me off my feet.
  9. The House Hunting continues.  Still wondering if there is a house out there for us.
  10. Ryan's birthday is coming up.  I seriously LIVE for birthdays and holidays.  The scheming has begun and it's so much fun!
Have a great weekend!  Love, Love.

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