Sunday, February 15, 2009

A day of gratitude and faith.

Me and dear hubs went to church last Sunday.  Something we've always talked about doing... but for many a reasons we never found a way to incorporate a weekly service into our lives.  We always said, once we moved back to Colorado, once the golf season ends, once Christmas comes and on and on.  In our adulthood, we've really been holiday church goers... of course it didn't hurt that we could often find a seaside service in San Diego on said holidays.

Truth be told, I grew up going to church, just not EVERY Sunday.  I can't even really pinpoint how often we went, but it was more than just holidays and even still, nightly prayers were a constant.  That being said, I very strongly believe that whether you go to church or not, says nothing about your faith in God.  God has always been a part of my life and also a part of my family's life.  Guiding me through good times and bad and he has always been my Savior.  He sacrificed so we can carry out His teachings and find the righteous path.

I was baptized Episcopal and Ryan, Catholic.  I personally hold very much sentiment in the tradition of the Episcopal church, but quite possibly have since realized that I struggled to find a purpose and deep meaning in the sermons.  I wasn't always sure how to relate.  In stark contrast to both of our baptized religions, we've started going to a Christian faith based "Community" church.

Now I am still slightly skeptical for a few reasons (mostly trivial), but the message from the services we've attended have been stronger than I've ever experienced in my life.  Never mind the rock band, disco-ish lights, talks of Dancing with the Stars, board games, the National Enquirer, jumbotrons and plasma TVs, movie theater-style seating and a double-decker balcony.  Um, not exactly the style of worship I'm used to, but it certainly touched my heart, my soul, and stuck with me all week long.  The most amazing part for me was the conversation and thought the service rendered throughout the entire week.  I enjoyed discussing the message with Ryan and it truly made me examine life and my place in it.  Impactful, timely and relatable.  Friday night date night, Ryan and I both finally admitted to each other we couldn't wait to go back the next Sunday.  Pretty amazing right?

Another amazing piece of the sermon was pale in comparison to the overall message, but spoke VOLUMES to Ryan and I.  It was like there was no where else on Earth we were supposed to be at that very moment.

The overall theme last Sunday was "Ripped from the Headlines," which discussed the power of the media, slander and gossip.  Well, to start, he talked about the resiliency of the starfish.  He talked about the numerous studies of this amazing creature, which found that if they lost a leg, it would grow back.  If it lost all 5 legs, 5 legs would grow back.  If you cut it in half, from each half would grow a full starfish.  The Pastor went on to say how physically and emotionally different humans are from this amazing creature.  So, let's head south for a moment, go back to April 28th, 2007 and revisit a few moments of our AMAZING wedding day:

Starfish galore.  And we thought Starfish were just the perfect compliment to our Florida Keys wedding, our beachy design and our pretty invitations.  Little did we know starfish represented such strength, resilience, fortitude, stability and tenacity.  And if we are blessed at all, it is with these characteristics of which we are working to build our marriage upon.  

Talk about symbolism and a serious sign from the Man upstairs.  Serious goosebumps over this one.

Today's service was another beautiful message about the game of Life and how you truly win.  Another great way to start the week.  I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  Love, Love, Love to all.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know exactly what you mean. Chuck and I have been wanting to find a new church and up until recently, we keep putting it off. We are looking into finding one we like and are really in need of some spiritual guidance right now! I am glad you found one you like! :)
