Monday, November 03, 2008

This girly girl loves golf.


  1. It is a total escape from reality and therefore, a total stress reliever and source of relaxation.  No cell phones allowed.
  2. It does amazing things for my marriage.  4 hours, together, uninterrupted.  That just doesn't happen in REAL life.  Some great conversations have taken place on the golf course.  And heck, it's cheaper than marriage counseling.
  3. It is a family affair.  My mom is one heck of a golf cart driver and my dad is a great coach.
  4. It is a life long sport.  We are so going to be that cute little old couple golfing into our 80s.  I hope.
  5. Ryan and I  have mastered the art of squeezing in a quick 18 holes during the dog days of summer AFTER a full days work.  The best.
  6. Golf = Resort Destinations.  I love to travel and the hubby is obsessed with golf.  Think, Palm Springs, Florida, The Carribean, Ireland, Hawaii, Colorado... sounds nice right?
  7. It never gets boring because you never, EVER master the game.  Ask Tiger.  One personal goal quickly replaces the next.  Day after day, week after week and year after year.
  8. It is beautiful.  Mountain courses, desert courses, ocean courses... the options are endless and the serenity soothes your soul.
  9. Networking.  You never know who you might get paired up with.
  10. Fun.  Golf can be incredibly challenging but once you learn the fundamentals, you will crave it just as much as your golf nut of a husband does.

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