Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Build me up. Buttercup, baby.

Tonight, Joshua Radin's lyrics are making me melt.  They make me think of so many profound and touching things in my life.  Joshua, you tug at my heartstrings.  You make me feel deep down in my soul the love I have for my sweet hubby.  Even when he's not so lovely, he's lovely.  He's real.  The poor man... Monday morning, heading out the door to DC, not a thing could go right.  Toilets clogging, printers not printing, dog poo stepping, emails overflowing, stock market crashing, dry cleaner rushing, wire transfers racing, Garmin forgetting, wifey sleeping, in-laws chatting.  He cracked.  My rock.  My shoulder to weep on.  The strong arms that hold me.  The one who is always strong... inspirationally strong.  Cracked.

Yesterday, I was downright pissed at his antics... But, today I'm thankful I can be there for him.  When life gets in the way, we have each other to pick up the slack.  Baby, when the going gets tough, the wifey gets a supporting.  Isn't that what marriage is all about?

Now, about that island in the sun, lovey... can we go now?  Pretty please, with sugar on top and a cherry?


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